Information For Authors


Style: Manuscripts should be attached and sent via e-mail The file has to be written using MS-WORD

Length: paper should not exceed 12 typeset, printed pages.
Order of parts: Title of article, authors' names, authors' institutional affiliations, abstract (150-200 words), keywords (minimum of 3 keywords), main text, numbered list of references.

References: The references should be brought at the end of the article, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the paper, for example [6, p. 15]. The reference list should be cited in accordance with the following examples:
1.   Chan, P.C.W. and Lee, W.B. (2011) Knowledge Audit with Intellectual Capital in the Quality Management Process: An Empirical Study in an Electronics Company // The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(2). P. 98-116.
2.   Guthrie, J. and Petty, R. (2000). No accounting for taste. Management Today, Australian Institute of Management. P. 21-23.



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