Style: Manuscripts should be attached and sent via e-mail The file has to be written using MS-WORD
Length: paper should not exceed 12 typeset, printed pages.
Order of parts: Title of article, authors' names, authors' institutional affiliations, abstract (150-200 words), keywords (minimum of 3 keywords), main text, numbered list of references.
References: The references should be brought at the end of the article, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the paper, for example [6, p. 15]. The reference list should be cited in accordance with the following examples:
1.   Chan, P.C.W. and Lee, W.B. (2011) Knowledge Audit with Intellectual Capital in the Quality Management Process: An Empirical Study in an Electronics Company // The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(2). P. 98-116.
2.   Guthrie, J. and Petty, R. (2000). No accounting for taste. Management Today, Australian Institute of Management. P. 21-23.
- Be sure you have cited each table within the text.
- Enter a short descriptive caption at the top of each table, preceded by an identifying Arabic numeral.
- Columns and their headings are normally used to display the dependent variable(s) being presented in the table.
- Each figure should have a caption. The caption should be concise and typed separately, not on the figure area; If figures have parts (for example, A and B), make sure all parts are explained in the caption.
- All figures are to be sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals. Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
Equation Format Please use Microsoft Equation 3.0 in Word to create equations.